17 january 2011

Some of the students busy in the workshop


Hallo dear friends

We have had a good holiday break and our minds and bodies have come prepared for the first term of the students final year.We look forward to havig a good term and omongst the lessons we going to teach our lessons are roofs and ceilings.Hopefully this term they will progress much more with computers as well.We will also teach a lot on the business side so that the students will be able to administer their businesses after taining.watch this space for more.


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17 january 2011

Some of the students busy in the workshop


Hallo dear friends

We have had a good holiday break and our minds and bodies have come prepared for the first term of the students final year.We look forward to havig a good term and omongst the lessons we going to teach our lessons are roofs and ceilings.Hopefully this term they will progress much more with computers as well.We will also teach a lot on the business side so that the students will be able to administer their businesses after taining.watch this space for more.


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