6. November 2010

Liebe Ekuthuleni Freunde,

 meine Zeit in Deutschland neigt sich dem Ende zu und wie ueblich ist die letzte Woche vor Abflug vollgepackt mit verschiedensten Aktivitaeten, Besuchen und Terminen. Ein Rundbrief mit mehr Info’s ist in meinem Computerzentrum schon in Planung, der Euch dann in nicht allzuferner Zukunft erreichen wird. 

Dear english speaking friends around the world, it has been great to meet some of you and I am also planing to write an english letter to you soon! Remember that Mishacks Blog is in english so you can get more info from there!!!

lest doch bitte auch Mishacks Blog, der ist sehr interessant.

Mishack thank you very much,I enjoy the pictures and the Info!


18. Oktober 2010

Liebe Freunde,

ich bin noch bis 16 November in Deutschland und werde es wohl nicht schaffen Euch alle zu besuchen. Eine gute Gelegenheit sich zu sehen wäre das 10 jährige Ekuthuleni – Jubiläum Ende Oktober (siehe Termine) wer Lust und Zeit hat kann sich zwecks näherer Info´s gerne bei mir melden!

Gruss Heliga (feet)

18 october 2010

Hallo dear eku friends

As part of our training we visit the homes of our students so we can get to know their parents and they can also in turn get to know us.Here we had visited the home of Nation Moyo who comes from Dolahali in Nkai.Nation is an orphan and has three siblings.When his parents died his uncle Caanan who happens to have been in the first group of students to train at Ekuthuleni started to look after him and his siblings.Its sad that five of our students are orphans but on the other hand its a joy to us because we get an opportunity to make a difference in their lives by equipping them with a life skill.

 Caanan(uncle to Nation),MaDube(his wife) Nation ,Ishmael ,Talent (young brother to Nation) Mishack,

Milton ,Lovemore ,Broadway.

11 october 2010

Hallo eku friends

Its been a struggle to put information and pictures on my blog,especially pictures.anyway l am getting the hang of it and hopefully you will see more items on my blog.

 The students at ekuthuleni are progressing well and most of the time working without their shirts on as we are going through the hottest month of the year with temperatures averaging thirty six degrees.


Hannes with Clifford  and Broadway ferrying grass to our garden for mulchin.temperatures are high and if we dont mulch garden all the water we put into the ground evaporates within a short perriod of time.